Quick Update – Embroidery and Twitter

First and foremost check out this amazing free-hand embroidery that my mum made for me!!! It’s me! How awesome is that??? It will take pride of place next to my computer to inspire me while I write my blog posts.

Embroidery logo

Secondly, as a couple of people may have seen already, I am making an attempt to have a Twitter account. I hate posting stuff on social media so I’m out of my comfort zone and I’m struggling with it a bit, I just don’t know what to say. The only reason I have one is because way back in April I had to tweet to request a game at the Rezzed After Party. After that I thought that as I had created the account I may as well mess around with it a bit and link it to my blog. I know I sound very negative about it but I would like to give it a try.

I’m not sure whether if I should keep everything I post about game related or keep gaming as the usual topic but tweet the occasional, random, general life thing as I see fit. Are there any Twitter Gurus out there that can give me some advice? (Or just anyone with a Twitter account really, I welcome any advice)

If you would like to follow me then my Twitter is @Dragonsteaparty !

10 thoughts on “Quick Update – Embroidery and Twitter

  1. Ah, I recently have been getting more into Twitter as well to talk gaming and promote some posts. And I can’t stand social media and refuse to use it generally. So far I don’t think it’s paid off whatsoever but folks seem to Like a few of my things, so I keep it going!

    You got one more follower, at least! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m following you now! I’m better at expressing myself in writing than I am in person. I’m on Facebook more than I’m on Twitter, but FB can be a bit of a cesspool (not that Twitter can’t). I think WordPress is my favorite “social media” though without being so social media-like 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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